Deadlocked Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood Book 12 Charlaine Harris 9780575096578 Books

Deadlocked Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood Book 12 Charlaine Harris 9780575096578 Books
**ALERT! SPOILERS AHEAD!** While number 12 ("DEADLOCKED") in Charlaine Harris's Sookie Stackhouse series draws mixed reactions, I thought it was pretty good. The book starts with an unanticipated murder just outside Eric Northman's house, at a party to which Sookie Stackhouse has been invited, conveniently, just a little too late. The book is not exclusively devoted to "vampire politics," though, which is fine with me. Sookie has to deal along with the way not only with vamps but with weres, shapeshifters, the fae and just about anyone else having trouble in Bon Temps, Louisiana -- including Sookie's human friend who's about to bear twins. It's this mixture of supernatural and everyday that makes me cheer for Sookie and admire her pluck in dealing with what her rather strange life has given her. I thought the series could very well have ended here, with perhaps a bit more plot neatening than we were given -- however, the final volume 13, DEAD AFTER DEATH, still lies ahead for me.
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Deadlocked Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood Book 12 Charlaine Harris 9780575096578 Books Reviews
** Warning - this review contains MINOR spoilers of Deadlocked and previous Books in the series **
Let me just start off by saying that I love this series! I really enjoy Sookie's point of view and adventures. I also really like that this is a different kind of Urban Fantasy, not so Urban after all, but set in a more bucolic and simple environment, giving a totally different feel to the series.
I love the mix of intricate and insane plots, right along side with everyday life ones. I totally believe that, that balance is one of the secrets that makes the Sookie books are so successful.
That being said, I was rather underwhelmed by Deadlocked. I liked that some smaller plots got their closure in a way, but it felt like a transition book overall and it lacked the emotional roller coaster I tend to expect from this series.
Eric and Sookie's relationship is in a crash course and I did not feel much emotion from Sookie regarding that at all. My girl, Dani from ALPHA Reader, put it very well when she said
"It's safe to say that Eric and Sookie getting together was built up more in fan's minds than what has come across on the page."
That's exactly how I felt too! I haven't been so happy with their relationship and Deadlocked just put the nail in the coffin for me. A book with NO sexy time between the main couple, might be a huge red flag to where Charlaine is taking this series.
In my opinion, Dani hits the nail on the head when she says "Sookie thinks a lot about whether or not Eric will choose Freyda - but isn't really all that sad, it seems. She's actually kind of resolute that Eric will most likely choose the path of more power. And if her mind ever veers towards a `woe is me, Eric won't choose me' thinking, she quickly squashes the thought."
For me it felt like since apparently Eric is not her HEA, Charlaine is trying to dissuade Team Eric from rooting for it. It's like she is preparing us for the real HEA and I for one am scared of who will it be, someone we already know or a brand new character.
All in all, Deadlocked was not even close to the best book in the series, but it was still great to get lost in Sookie's world, it is just that I have come to expect so much more from Charlaine Harris.
Originally Posted at Welcome to Larissa's Bookish Life {[...]}
I won't waste time recounting the plot of Deadlocked, other than to say a girl turns up dead on Eric's lawn a few minutes after Sookie catches him drinking from her. From there, Sookie and Co. are harassed by the police until the mystery is solved. The mystery itself is actually pretty good, with enough unanswered questions and diversions to keep me interested in finding out whodunnit. And there is a reasonable solution that involves Sookie having the veil lifted from her eyes about certain fae she knows very well. So on that front, I would give Deadlocked a solid 4 stars.
What else I liked I liked the fae and Sookie's interactions with them. I liked that we met up with Niall again and there was some resolution to the relationship between Niall and his son Dermot. I liked the mystery; I liked Pam and I liked how Bill still seems smitten with Sookie. And I liked what Sookie does with the cluviel dor. It made sense and showed Sookie's true character.
What I disliked Sookie and her relationship issues. I've always loved Eric, and he and Sookie together were dynamite. However, I am sick to death of the situation with he and Freyda and the fact that he and Sookie were hardly together at all in this installment was awful. I can see the handwriting on the wall and it doesn't look good for them, which makes me ill. But geez louise, if that's the case and she's going to end up with Sam, GET ON WITH IT. Stop making these two intelligent people dance around the situation and make a break.
I also dislike what ultimately happens with the fae in this novel. While I suspect Harris felt there were too many characters and the story was getting away from her, I still don't like it because we are taking away characters who have been important. And while I"m on the subject, while I like the townspeople of Bon Temps, there was too much time spent updating us on them.
In short, we need more Sookie and the story needs to move along, preferably over a longer period of time than a couple of days. Sookie needs to stand up and declare her intentions with Eric, and we need her seeing into heads more often, not just getting pieces of brain signatures.
Was this a bad book? Nope. I sped through it, and liked it. But the whole situation with Eric and Sookie must be resolved or else the entire series will flounder. I need focus for my favorite characters! I'll still be reading, but I hate to see things dragged out so long. There's still good stories in there; I hope Ms. Harris isn't turning off her loyal fans by ignoring what we loved in the first place.
**ALERT! SPOILERS AHEAD!** While number 12 ("DEADLOCKED") in Charlaine Harris's Sookie Stackhouse series draws mixed reactions, I thought it was pretty good. The book starts with an unanticipated murder just outside Eric Northman's house, at a party to which Sookie Stackhouse has been invited, conveniently, just a little too late. The book is not exclusively devoted to "vampire politics," though, which is fine with me. Sookie has to deal along with the way not only with vamps but with weres, shapeshifters, the fae and just about anyone else having trouble in Bon Temps, Louisiana -- including Sookie's human friend who's about to bear twins. It's this mixture of supernatural and everyday that makes me cheer for Sookie and admire her pluck in dealing with what her rather strange life has given her. I thought the series could very well have ended here, with perhaps a bit more plot neatening than we were given -- however, the final volume 13, DEAD AFTER DEATH, still lies ahead for me.

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